- Consuming Information In A New Way
How to consume
We all use, but do we really know how to better use it for learnig things in servicenow. It's fascinating how servicenow has evolved over time and also the way it's learning process has evolved. Now we have, to have a hands-on practicle knowledge of different modules.
There is one question that I am often asked by people who want to learn new things in servicenow, "I want to learn so much new things, but don't know from where to start". If they go to , they find informations scattered, so they are not sure from where to start and where to end.
To understand the way, let's take an example of performance analytics, I want to learn performance analytics and it's feature from servicenow doc. From where to start and where to end. Below is the way to start my learning:
1. Go to, and select your release:
2. Search your topic, in my example I will search performance analytics and open the relevant search result:
3. Click on the right header from the left pane, in my case it's pPerformance Analytics
4. Click on the Export the content to PDF icon (donwload icon) and select Topic and subtopics option :
5. At the bottom of the screen you will see a message Your PDF is being generated. Please leave this browser open unitl your pdf has downloaded. Take this message seriously 😉, so basicaly do not close this tab and also do not refresh the page. At this stage basically all your topic contents are getting compilled.
6. Now just relax, depending on how vast your selected topic is, it will take some time. Once all informations are compilled, a pdf file will automatically get downloaded on your system.
7. Now just go to your downloads folder ,open the pdf file and start learning. Don't forget to rename the file with appropriate label, so that you do not forget what this pdf is about, site gives it a generic name.
So, in nutshell what I have done is, I have downloaded an authentic 657 page long book on Performance Analytics, published by servicenow.
Similarly, if you are interested in just any topic and not the whole module, then you can do that as well. Let's say you just want to learn about indicators in performance analutics then click on it and select the option of topics and subtopics and this will give you a compilled information of that topic only and not whole performance analytics.
And in case you are crazy enough to learn a suit which happens to be couple of thousand pages long book, then you can do that as well. Just open the topic as you did before and in the download option select All topics in contents, as per the below screen shot it will download a book on IT Operations Management Suit.
I may not be crazy enough to complete it in one go but I am crazy enough to download it. Just to blow your mind, it's 3301 pages long book. Holy cow! not sure how many months I will take to complet it.
I hope you enjoyed reading this, and would start learning servicenow in a new way. See you soon in another inetresting Blog.
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